A Simple Investment In The Future Of Your Beauty – Follow Your Langer Lines

A Simple Investment In The Future Of Your Beauty – Follow Your Langer Lines


Nurturing face by Langer massage lines, the skin retains youthfulness much longer. If you are going to do it from an early age, we believe that will be a huge investment against early aging. Habit, as is known, is a great strength, so you should definitely teach this trick to your daughter.

Nurturing skin, it touches it in certain directions, rather than confused and chaotic, criss-cross all over your face, but the light, smooth movements in certain directions by the so-called Langer lines.

Whether you purify your face, will put the lotion, cream or a mask, it is recommended to perform all operations on the face of cosmetic lines. These are the lines along which the skin stretches the least. In addition, improving blood circulation, it keeps the skin firm, not formed premature wrinkles and strengthen the facial mimic muscle.

langer_Lines_realThe Basics Of Langer Lines Or Facial Cosmetic Lines

• From the middle of the forehead to the temples;
• From the nostrils to the temples;
• From the corner of the lip to the middle ear;
• From the middle of the chin to the ear lobe.

This simple gif image on the right displays very well how exactly you should take care of your skin. Even if you have never followed them it is never too late to start doing it.

  • Guiding line – a circular motion around the eyes.
  • Upper eyelid – in the direction of the nose along the eyebrow line to the temporal side of the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.
  • Neck skin takes care of the direction of the neck hole to the top, but on the side – from the ears down. Directly following performs both cleaning and gently massaging cream.

Langer lines referred advised also by a facial massage at home, to make the process simpler we recommend to use of massage oil.

Of course, you can go to a facial massage at the professional but also, each of us is able to give yourself a facial massage by itself. In addition, in a case of daily rhythm is very tight following a massage can be performed relatively rare, even once a month, still you give your skin a favor.

If there is a chance to make a facial massage often make sure to use it because of its skin will be quite a different tone, it will be much healthier and more radiant.


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