A Grown-Up Guide to Adult Acne Products

A Grown-Up Guide to Adult Acne Products



I’d rather relive my teenage years via emotional music and unnecessarybelts than a healthy sprinkling of zits along my chin, but my body clearly — no pun intended — doesn’t give a shit.

Acne is the dark horse of adulthood. And I don’t mean that in a sexy Katy Perry kind of way, I mean it in a freezing-weather-in-May kind of way. As in: it’s annoying even before you consider its untimeliness.

So all of us at Man Repeller brought in our favorite acne-fighting products and reviewed them for your pore-leasure. (Sorry.) (Love you.) (Even your acne.)

Read below and then tell us yours!

  • 1.

    Harling Ross

    Favorite acne product:
    Biologique Recherche Balancing Exfoliator Lotion P50

    Skin type and history:
    Definitely verging on the oily side. My skin has a long history of being acne-prone, beginning at age 11 when I got a weird bump on my forehead and I asked my mom what it was. (She said, “It’s a pimple.” I cried.) I went on Accutane twice in high school, which helped enormously but didn’t permanently rid me of breakouts. At 24, I think I’ve finally found a routine that works for me. It involves this, religious moisturizing, never touching my face with dirty hands, and ​*almost*​ always removing my makeup.

    When and where I first heard about it:
    On aesthetician/beauty blogger Caroline Hirons’ website.

    How long I’ve used it:
    A year and a half.

    Why it’s my favorite:
    It’s called a “facial in a bottle” for a reason. Not only did it drastically reduce my breakouts, but it also changed the texture of my skin–making it more even and glow-y and less…gray.

    Tips for using it:
    The not-so-pleasant-but-very-worth-it smell (it’s kind of like vinegar) and tingling sensation are definitely intense, so I only use it at nighttime. Also, some people apply it with a cotton pad, but that just wastes the product! I squirt a little bit into my hands and pat it onto my face.

    Favorite acne product #2:
    Glossier Mega Galaxy Greens Pack

    When and where I first heard about it:
    Into the Gloss.

    How long I’ve used it:
    For about a year.

    Why it’s my favorite:
    I love clay masks because they’re great for drying up acne and making my skin less oily–but a lot of clay masks make my face feel super tight and dehydrated after using them. This Glossier one does not do that! That’s why it stands out to me.

    Tips for using it:
    It’s great for pretty much anything and everything — I use it if I feel a breakout coming, but also if I already have a breakout and need to calm down my skin. And it works as a spot treatment, too! I just dab a tiny bit on a pimple and it helps it dry up and go away faster.

  • 2.

    Amelia Diamond

    Favorite acne product:
    Boo Boo Zap! by Benefit

    Skin type and history:
    Insanely sensitive. I have always had acne! I tried everything from the time I was a pre-teen through college. Now that I’m 27 and it’s mostly calmed itself the hell down to the odd hormonal breakout, I try to keep things simple in the cleanser department and focus on attacking the assholes when they appear.

    When and where I first heard about it:
    Benefit is the first place that ever did my eyebrows, sophomore year of high school. They gave this to me for post-wax bumps.

    How long I’ve used it:
    I haven’t stopped using it since then, so about 12 years?!

    Why it’s my favorite:
    It shrinks a pimple ASAP and calms post-waxing or threading redness and bumps.

    Tips for using it:
    It’s pretty simple. Just apply post-wax or on a pimple with just the right amount of compulsive repetition throughout the day.

  • 3.

    Elizabeth Tamkin

    Favorite acne product #1:
    Bliss No Zit Sherlock Spot Treatment

    Skin type and history:
    Dry to normal. My skin has always been very sporadic. I’m lucky in that I’ve never had horrible all-over breakouts but I randomly get little buggers by my eyebrows and temples sometimes. That’s where this guy saves the day.

    When and where I first heard about it:
    My mom took me to the spa when I was 13 to get a facial — they recommended it and I still use it!

    How long I’ve used it:
    It’s been a long road …11 years at night if I have a zit and seriously, that is most nights!

    Why it’s my favorite:
    It ACTUALLY works like a little zit fairy overnight. I just wish the tube were bigger.

    Tips for using it:
    Use just before bed after washing your face.

    Favorite acne product #2:
    Clinique Acne Clearing Concealer

    When and where I first heard about it:
    I went to Sephora in search of a high end concealer because the drugstore wasn’t cutting it. This is where we first locked eyes.

    How long I’ve used it:
    Well, I definitely used it at prom so that’s at least 7 years ago?

    Why it’s my favorite:
    I always feel like I’m making a zit worse when I use concealer. This baby helps clear it, so I’m not constantly checking to see if the evil menace has worsened all day. It’s also really light and doesn’t cake.

    My tips for using it:
    A tiny dot will do. Dab a clean finger on it to blend, don’t rub because then it just stays on your finger and not your face.

  • 4.

    Haley Nahman

    Favorite acne product.
    Kate Somerville EradiKate

    Skin type and history.
    Dryish. Most of my acne is hormonal (but also 24/7, how fun!) along my jawline and chin.

    When and where I first heard about it.
    My trained-esthetician cousin with whom I’d entrust my entire skinsuit.

    How long I’ve used it.
    Almost a year!

    Why it’s my favorite.
    It smells really strong which to my lizard brain means it’s working super hard, it looks really sweet after you put it on (like pink polka dots) and, most importantly, BECAUSE IT WORKS.

    Tips for using it:
    DO NOT SHAKE IT. It’s supposed to stay separated even though that looks wrong. I put it on at night with a cotton swap (dip it straight down into the bottle then pull it straight out) as my final skincare step before bed. If I’m home on the weekend like a sloth I’ll even re-apply in the morning. Once I accidentally went to Target with pink dots literally all over my face which was an accident but also cute IMO.

  • 5.

    Krista Anna Lewis

    Favorite acne products:
    Ren Clean Clear 3 Acne Face Wash and Sulfur Mask

    Skin type and history:
    Sensitive and acne-prone. Sunscreens and most moisturizers give me a weird rash, so I tend toward products made out of edible ingredients.

    When and where I first heard about it:
    I heard about Ren’s sensitive skincare line from my fellow Nordic friends with sensitive skin, so I connected the dots and figured out that their acne stuff was worth trying, too.

    How long I’ve used it:
    About 1 year with a short and sad break somewhere in there.

    Why it’s my favorite:
    It works! I use the mask every other day if I’m breaking out until my skin clears up.

    Tips for using it:
    I use it every night. Consistency is key. I ran out once and didn’t buy it again for a few months and spent those using up another wash in my cabinet and guess what? The breakouts came back in full force. Once I got back to using the wash every day and the mask every other they cleared up in a few days.

  • 6.

    Yvonne Dunlevie

    Favorite acne product:
    Spironolactone. SERIOUS STUFF.

    Skin type and history:
    Dry and sensitive. Easily sunburned. And although it’s ranged from mild to moderate, I’ve always had acne. I’ve seen a dermatologist regularly since I was 14 and I’ve tried all sorts of different things.

    When and where I first heard about it:
    My derm prescribed it to me after the previous 9 acne medication we’d tried hadn’t worked.

    How long I’ve used it:
    6 months.

    Why it’s my favorite:
    Because its hardcore shit and actually works. Seriously.

    Tips for using it:
    I realize this is prescription and therefore not super actionable, but if you’ve tried everything and have been unsuccessful, maybe talk to your doctor about this one. Full disclosure: since it’s intense stuff and can affect the liver, I have to get my blood drawn frequently to make sure my potassium levels aren’t too high. I also avoid eating too many bananas or avocados for that reason.

    But hey, price of beauty!!! It’s honestly been worth it.

  • 7.

    Kate Barnett

    Favorite acne products:
    It’s four products, done in consecutive steps: Somme Institute Nourishing Cleanser, Transport Pads, Serum, A-bomb, Double-defense SPF 30+ daily.

    Skin type and history:
    I had very oily skin growing up; now I’d say it’s combination. I’m pretty acne-prone and occasionally get cystic acne. If I’m consistent with Somme it’s not an issue.

    Where did you hear about it?
    Elizabeth Fuller, who is my go-to for all things beauty and also has the most well-stocked arsenal of hairstyles I’ve ever seen, used Somme leading up to her wedding and convinced me to give it a try.

    How long I’ve used it:
    Two and a half years. We did a program with Somme in 2013 and I’ve been using it ever since.

    Why it’s my favorite:
    My skin’s clear! I’ve tried pretty much everything except Accutane, which my doc (read: my mom, a dermatologist) didn’t think was a good fit for me, and this is by far the most successful. It’s improved my skin tone to the extent that other people noticed. And, unlike some of the prescription gels I’ve used, it’s not drying. Nor is it oily. I was pretty resigned to living with acne for the rest of my life before I found Somme.

    Tips for using it:
    First, work your way up to using the Transport pads twice a day. It can be too strong at first. Second, apply the A-bomb, then wash and dry your hands before rubbing it in again. And finally, stick with it and be consistent. There was definitely a period of “purging” where my skin freaked out, but instead of immediately abandoning the routine, I stayed with it and it was so worth it.

  • 8.

    Patty Carnevale

    Favorite acne product:
    La Roche-Posay Dual Action Acne Spot

    Skin type and history:
    Definitely a mix of dry and oily depending on the weather/stress/whether Beyoncé is impacting my sleep patterns…

    When and where I first heard about it:
    The Internet.

    How long I’ve used it:
    A year or so.

    Why it’s my favorite:
    It’s a great spot treatment but not too harsh. No peeling, major plus.

    Tips for using it:
    A few times a week before bed as needed.


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