22 easy outdoor fitness fixes to get in shape this summer

22 easy outdoor fitness fixes to get in shape this summer

Shorts-and-BBQ season only lags slightly behind New Year in the fitness-resolution stakes – there’s nothing quite like getting hopelessly out of breath playing frisbee to make you realise that your body isn’t in the state you’d like it to be.

The problem, of course, is that summer is exactly the time when you don’t want to be in the gym, sweating yourself into oblivion. Gyms aren’t the most appealing places at the best of times; at the height of the glorious British summer, when their air humidity hits saturation point, it can be hard to know where you end and the rowing machine begins.

Mercifully, there’s no need to head to your local sweat box and grunt it out. With the benefits of outdoor exercise increasingly well established, and back-garden-friendly ‘bodyweight’ exercises all the rage, there are dozens of ways to work off that second beef skewer while topping up on vitamin D.

Just don’t…


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