Keto weight loss is mostly a sham

Keto weight loss is mostly a sham

Every January, fat’s in the crosshairs of health columnists, fitness magazines, and desperate Americans. This year, PopSci looks at the macronutrient beyond its most negative associations. What’s fat good for?…
Is Gatorade actually better than water?

Is Gatorade actually better than water?

This story has been updated. It was originally published on October 1, 2020. Decades’ worth of Gatorade commercials have taught us two things: Sports drinks hydrate you better than water, and…
5 stretches you should do every day

5 stretches you should do every day

Stretching can feel like a real hassle, but it really is crucial to preventing injury and maintaining a good range of mobility—especially if you’re engaging in serious weight training. You…